I was planning on getting to feature requests for version 2.6.2, but some more bug reports came in, so I've been fixing those instead:
- CRITICAL: Editing the tags or welcome text on a survey in 2.6.1 would delete the survey. This was fixed within 24 hours of releasing 2.6.1 on the live site and only affected one user, but 2.6.2 is the first tagged release to include this fix.
- It's now possible to only give someone permission to view answers to a survey (rather than full editing privileges), and have the links show up for them correctly on the front page.
- Annotation fields will now show up for non-site admins.
- Answer RSS feeds will again work if you don't have a login cookie, using the feed's secret key. (This fixes Google Reader support.)
- The option to force users to log into Journey before taking a survey wasn't possible to select. It is now.
- Firefox 1 and 2 users should no longer see graphical weirdness when trying to fill out a survey.
In addition, there are a couple of minor feature additions:
- The front page UI for surveys has been revamped: it's now easier to find the link to start answering, and clearer what your options are. This will continue to be improved in 2.6.3 in conjunction with some of the feature additions.
- CSS stylesheets are now cached for faster page loading.